FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Computing Systems
2023 Vol.1 No.2

ISSN: 2994-7391

Editor: Rajkumar Rajasekaran

Pages Title and author(s)
54-64 A Creating Musical Compositions Through Recurrent Neural Networks: An Approach for Generating Melodic Creations P. Prasanth Anand, Najib Sulthan, G Jayanth, P. Deepika, Azlin Abd Jamil   Keywords: Music Generation; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Music and Technology; Long Short-Term Memory; Melody Creation; Art and Technology; Recurrent Neural Networks.
65-76 Development and Testing of Incorporated ASM with MVP Architecture Model for Android Mobile App Development N. Rajasekaran, S. M. Jagatheesan, S. Krithika, Julio Suárez Albanchez Keywords: Development and Testing; Android Mobile App Development; Model View Presenter (MVP); Plan-Driven Processes; Agile Methods; Testing Using Jmeter; Agile Scrum Model.
77-88 Deciphering Product Review Sentiments Using BERT and TensorFlow D. Suraj, S. Dinesh, R. Balaji, P. Deepika, Freddy Ajila Keywords: Sentiment Analysis; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Product Reviews; Long Short-Term Memory; Neural Networks; Natural Language Processing (NLP); Recurrent Neural Networks.
89-97 Investigating Privacy Threats: An In-Depth Analysis of Personal Data on Facebook and LinkedIn Through Advanced Data Reconstruction Tools Eleonora Calo, Stefano Cirillo, Giuseppe Polese, Monica Maria Lucia Sebillo, Giandomenico Solimando Keywords: Data Wrapping; Social Networks; Data Analysis; Facebook and LinkedIn; Data Reconstruction Tools; Investigating Privacy Threats; Social Mapper Tool; Custom Crawler; Personal Information.
98-111 Fortifying Data Security: A Multifaceted Approach with MFA, Cryptography, and Steganography K. Daniel Jasper, R. Neha, András Szeberényi Keywords: Multi-factor Authentication; Cryptography; Steganography; Cipher Text; Encryption and Decryption; Data Security and Confidentiality; Integrity and Availability; Fortifying Data Security.