FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Humanities and Society (FTSHS) motivated to start publishing articles to fix two academic publishing flaws. Academic writers appeared to be isolating themselves from society as a whole. This limitation within academic domains hampered inter-disciplinary contact and mutual benefit. FTSHS decided to focus on publishing original works related to both society and individuals, hence the name "Humanities and Society." Although FTSHS remains open to all works pertaining to religion and the humanities, priority is given to those seeking to transcend the narrowistic mindset prevalent in today's academic world. FTSHS seeks authors who use both their own expertise and other disciplines' approaches and hypotheses in their work. FTSHS prioritises research and policy papers over academic articles. This helps generate constructive feedback, as opposed to "destructive criticism" that is common in traditional double-blind peer-review methods. The editorial staff is committed to mentoring emerging researchers to help their careers.