FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Applied Sciences (FTSASS) is a fully open access (OA) journal. Applied Life Sciences, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Materials Science, and Physics are all represented in this peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary magazine. It encourages legitimate scientific investigation that can be applied to real-world issues. Articles submitted to the journal should be of high quality, scientifically valid, and original, demonstrating a solid grasp of relevant scientific information, experiments and theories, methods and techniques, and interdisciplinary connections. Articles in the form of research papers, reviews, case studies, and communications are all encouraged. The quality of the scientific content is the primary criterion for assessing each manuscript. When a submission comes in, it is initially checked for research and publication ethics before being sent out for peer review. Topical Collections are available on FTSASS and compile scholarly works on a given subject. Direct papers and Topical Collections are both viable options for the dissemination of articles. Videos, letters to the editors, interviews, and commentary on current events are just some of the electronic items that the Journal welcomes in an effort to increase reader participation. The journal encourages learning and publishes work by both students and their teachers.