Constructive Onboarding Technique Maintaining Sustainable Human Resources in Organizations

Seema Bhakuni, Arusyak Ivanyan

1Department of Management, Doon Institute of Management and Research, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India. 2Department of International Relations, Northern University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia seemagrawal1978@gmail.com1, arusyak.ivanyan.1981@mail.ru2


Onboarding is an important part of HR management to add value to the organisation. An effective onboarding programme assists employees in comprehending the fundamental nature of the organisation as well as the expectations that the company has for its employees. Providing employees with a sense of belonging during the onboarding process has the potential to increase their levels of job satisfaction. When it comes to the boarding process, the performance of human resources is directly related to the organization's ability to maintain harmony. It is essential for the retention and happiness of newly hired employees to maintain their engagement throughout the onboarding process. When it comes to training staff to perform paperwork and other key activities, it is essential to make use of technology. For the purpose of this investigation, the primary quantitative approach was utilised to compile all of the pertinent information pertaining to the subject matter. Three questions pertaining to demographics and ten questions based on topics have been helpful in the process of properly producing questionnaires. A total of fifty-five volunteers actively participated in the collection of the data, which was subsequently analysed using the SPSS software. Consequently, this has been of great assistance to the study in establishing hypotheses and providing appropriate responses to the research questions. 

Keywords: Constructive Onboarding; Technique Maintaining; Sustainable Human Resources; Fundamental Nature of the Organisation; Enhance Productivity; Quantitative Approach; Establishing Hypotheses.

Received on: 11/12/2022, Revised on: 12/02/2023, Accepted on: 15/04/2023, Published on: 15/12/2023

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Technoprise Letters, 2023 Vol. 1 No. 2, Pages: 95-105

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