The Influence of Organizational Behaviour in Schools on Teacher Performance at Special School

Rosiana Wulandari, Angga Maulid, Lili Nurlaili

Department of Management Education, Pamulang University, Tangerang, Indonesia,,,


This study analyzes how organizational behaviour affects teacher performance at Bakti Putra Special School. Organizational behaviour includes interactions and dynamics that affect employee morale, motivation, and production. The mixed-methods study collects data from teachers and administrators using quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews. Positive organizational behaviour, effective communication, supportive leadership, and collaborative teamwork improve teacher performance. Bad behaviours such as poor communication and lack of support negatively affect teachers’ motivation and efficacy. The research also emphasizes the importance of a positive company culture for educators’ professional development and work happiness. The study helps school administrators and policymakers improve teacher performance and educational results by addressing organizational behaviour variables. The findings highlight the need to continuously evaluate and improve organizational processes to foster teaching quality and improve Bakti Putra Special School children’s learning experiences. Organizational behaviour emphasizes teamwork training. Teamwork is better than solo performance when activities need several skills. Individual and collective attitudes and interactions with the organizational context are shown by organizational behaviour. Teacher performance is based on his roles and obligations. Field evidence suggests teacher performance is still poor. The study examines how organizational behaviour affects teacher performance at SKh Bhakti Putra Kab. Tangerang Banten. This study has 12 participants. A questionnaire-based survey collects data.

Keywords: Organizational Behaviour; Fostering and Encompasses; Administrative Staff; Organizational Context; Mixed-Methods; Transformational Leadership; Professional Development; Taro Yamane Formula; Quantitative Data.

Received on: 19/11/2023, Revised on: 12/01/2024, Accepted on: 03/03/2024, Published on: 05/06/2024

DOI: 10.69888/FTSTL.2024.000206

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Techno Learning, 2024 Vol. 2 No. 2, Pages: 50-61

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