The State of Security in Gaza And the Effectiveness of R2P Response

Aysha Ashraf

1Department of Political Science, Linnaeus University, University Square, Växjö, Sweden. aa226pq@student.lnu.se1 


This paper looked at the response and effectiveness of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) to address a humanitarian crisis in the case of Gaza. Violations of children’s rights as per altered war strategies are completely unbearable in Gaza, which entails immediate action by the international humanitarian regime. R2P Pillar Two requires that if pillar one, the sovereign in the crisis area, fails to take responsibility for protection, R2P Pillar Two, the internationality, is obliged to take responsibility for protection. The R2P response and its effectiveness examination have demonstrated grounds for its ineffectiveness in the Gaza case from both pillar standpoints. Firstly, R2P has not been on the agenda of international actors. Implementing R2P pillars two and three requires veto powers and the political will to initiate such an effort. Finally, the R2P original document needs amendment for its effectiveness. The current research suggests that in the case of Gaza, the Principle of R2P has some barriers that have congested its working to be efficient.

Keywords: R2P and Gaza; Palestine-Israel Conflict; International Regime; Children Rights; R2P Pillar 1; R2P Pillar 2; R2P Effectiveness; International Actors; State of Security in Gaza.

Received on: 29/11/2022, Revised on: 03/02/2023, Accepted on: 19/04/2023, Published on: 04/12/2023

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Social Sciences Letters , 2023 Vol. 1 No. 2, Pages: 78-84

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