Theoretical Framework: The Role of Speech Acts in Stage Performance

Utepbergenov Aydos Janabayevich

1Department of Arts and Humanities, Nukus Branch of The State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan, Nukus, Uzbekistan. aydos_uzdsm@gmail.com1 


Because of the problems in the world today, big changes and improvements are happening. These changes and improvements are making it harder to reform schools that have become more focused on business aspects of culture and industry. The ongoing sociocultural changes in higher education and rising educational standards mean that the scientific and methodological foundations for teaching stage speech must be re-evaluated. This is especially important as college costs go down. Consequently, the adoption of novel approaches becomes imperative. The increasing demand for academics specializing in teaching the culture of speech to future generations will be observed in educational institutions prioritizing culture and art, particularly within the higher education system. Consequently, there is a continued demand for educational institutions to prioritize enhancing teaching methods in scientific and creative domains while considering the financial constraints associated with cultural and artistic endeavors. Within the scope of training and education in cultural and artistic institutions, the term "stage speech" is linked to comparing regulatory standards on the degree of proficiency. There is a growing trend in specialized scientific programs that emphasize private and focused theoretical-methodological approaches to the instruction of stage speech, particularly on cost-effectiveness.

Keywords: Stage Performance; Role of Speech Acts; Theoretical Framework; Educational Institutions; Language Interpretation; Institute of Culture and Art; Psychological Importance; Theoretical-Methodological Approaches.

Received on: 15/11/2022, Revised on: 20/01/2023, Accepted on: 03/04/2023, Published on: 04/12/2023

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Social Sciences Letters , 2023 Vol. 1 No. 2, Pages: 68-77

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