Optimizing Public Service Performance: Unleashing the Potential of Compassion as an Indicator of Public Service Motivation

Beatus Tambaip, Ahmad Fakhri Fauzan Hadi, Alexander Phuk Tjilen, Nur Jalal

1,2,3,4, Master of Public Administration Study Program, FISIP, Musamus Merauke University, South Papua, Indonesia. beatus@unmus.ac.id1, fakhri.fauzan@bmkg.go.id2, alexander@unmus.ac.id3, nurjalal@unmus.ac.id4


Public service is one of the most important issues in every country’s theory and practice of public administration. Public service motivation is the individual orientation of those working in the public sector to dedicate themselves to providing services to the community. The novelty of this research lies in studying the factors that influence Public Service Motivation (PSM) to understand the factors that affect the level of PSM among bureaucratic employees. This may involve identifying personal, organizational, and environmental values that can influence public service motivation. The research aims to explore the relationship between PSM and employee performance, utilizing statistical analysis to determine whether there is a positive relationship between high public service motivation and better job performance. This study was conducted using a quantitative method through the completion of questionnaires, followed by an analysis of the results. The questionnaire was constructed with questions based on ten scale indicators to measure the Public Service Motivation (PSM) level. The population for this study consisted of all employees within the scope of the BMKG (Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency) in the Papua and West Papua regions. There are 23 BMKG units in the Papua and West Papua regions, including 1 BMKG Head Office, 15 Meteorology Stations, 3 Climatology Stations, 3 Geophysics Stations, and 1 Global Atmospheric Watch Station. The sampling technique used in this research was Purposive Sampling. The data were collected from 100 respondents who filled out the questionnaires and were selected from the 23 BMKG units in the Papua and West Papua regions. The Compassion dimension positively and significantly influences public service performance, with a regression coefficient of 0.438 and Sig. 000. Compassion in public service motivation positively impacts public service performance in Papua and West Papua. Enhancing performance requires fostering strong motivation, positive organizational behaviour, effective leadership, and communication while addressing internal complaints to maintain a positive perception.

Keywords: Public Service; Motivation; Performance; Commitment to The Public Interest; Compassion; Self-Sacrifice; Global Atmospheric Watch Station; Positive Perception; Meteorology Stations.

Received on: 01/03/2023, Revised on: 05/04/2023, Accepted on: 03/05/2023, Published on: 06/06/2023

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Management Letters, 2023 Vol. 1 No. 2, Pages: 46-55

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