Comparison of Baldrige Criteria of Strategy Planning and Harrison Text

Ela Vashishtha, Govind Dhawan

1Master of Health Administration, Texas Health Resources, Texas, USA. 2Master of Health Administration, Texas Woman’s University, USA. elavashishtha@texashealth.org1, gdhawan@twu.edu2


The strategic planning model is extensively explored and researched within healthcare operations. Researchers have outlined specific criteria for this process, which are published and widely studied. The Baldrige model and Jeff Harrison's model each provide their own set of criteria, outlining the essential elements required to develop and implement a robust strategic plan. To gain a comprehensive understanding of this topic, a thorough analysis of both models was conducted to identify consistencies and variations. Upon comparing the two models, several similarities and differences emerged. Both models emphasize the significance of stakeholder involvement, consideration of external organizational competition, the role of transformational leadership, fostering diversity in the workplace, and utilizing SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis as integral components of an effective strategic plan. However, distinctions arise in areas such as external and internal analysis, leadership styles, and the steps involved in the SWOT analysis. Harrison identifies two leadership styles, transformational and transitional, whereas Baldrige focuses solely on transformational leadership. Baldrige also emphasizes external factor analysis, while Harrison highlights the importance of conducting internal and external analyses to determine where a SWOT analysis is needed within the organization. Furthermore, Harrison's model presents a more elaborate approach to the SWOT analysis by incorporating force field analysis, which differs from Baldrige's approach. Although disparities exist between the two strategic planning models, they share similarities in their criteria and objectives.

Keywords: Baldrige; Strategy Planning; Operational Excellence; Performance Excellence; Healthcare Quality; Leadership; Strategy Deployment; Strategy Development; Action Plans.

Received on: 15/11/2022, Revised on: 30/12/2022, Accepted on: 21/02/2023, Published on: 15/03/2023

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Management Letters, 2023 Vol. 1 No. 1, Pages: 22-31

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