Edwin Shalom Soji, S. Karthik, S. Silvia Priscila, D. Kerana Hanirex, S. Suman Rajest, Alycia Sebastian
Department of Computer Science, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Department of Research and Development (R&D) & International Student Affairs (ISA), Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Department of Information Technology, Al Zahra College for Women, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.,,,,,
E-voting is an innovative strategy that empowers citizens to vote for preferred candidates through secure electronic platforms. Implemented across various countries, e-voting systems are tailored to meet specific national requirements. This paper introduces a distinctive approach to the e-voting process, incorporating rigorous verification from government servers and a reliable authentication mechanism to ensure the integrity and security of both e-voting machines and voters’ choices. The system employs a Specialized Security Key Algorithm to provide robust security for voters and the e-voting infrastructure. Python and SPSS were used to analyze data and validate security measures, while MS Excel was used to organize and visualize the data. The likelihood of communication channel breaches between the system’s central server and the e-voting machines is minimized, eliminating significant data breach risks. By adhering to a carefully crafted architectural approach, this system enhances efficiency and achieves superior accuracy and throughput levels, outperforming other e-voting systems. The core methodologies employed in the system comply with stringent security standards and protocols, with all analyses and simulations verified through tools like Python, SPSS, and Excel. This architectural approach significantly elevates the security framework of the e-voting system, making the entire process more secure, reliable, and tailored to modern democratic needs.
Keywords: E-Voting System; Communication and Security; Integrity Channel; Security and Authentication; Data Analysis; Specialized Security Key Algorithm; Direct Recording Electronic (DRE).
Received on: 25/01/2024, Revised on: 19/03/2024, Accepted on: 01/05/2024, Published on: 07/06/2024
DOI: 10.69888/FTSIN.2024.000212
FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Intelligent Networks, 2024 Vol. 1 No. 2, Pages: 96-109