Oluwatoyin O. Dada, Hina Zahoor, K. M. Ashifa
Faculty of Health Science, Istanbul Gelisim University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Parental care is essential for the proper growth and development of children, particularly those with disabilities such as hearing impairment. This study examines the challenges faced by Nigerian parents in providing care for children with hearing impairment. Utilizing a quantitative research design, data was collected through an online questionnaire administered via Google Forms to 385 parents and guardians. Findings reveal that parents face multi-faceted challenges, including financial strain, psychological stress, social discrimination, and physical exhaustion. Financial challenges emerged as the most significant, often leading to compromised quality of care. The study also indicates a significant positive relationship between the challenges faced by parents and the quality of care provided. The findings highlight the need for improved healthcare access, specialized education, and social support systems for children with hearing impairment. Recommendations include the establishment of specialized care facilities, increased awareness and training on inclusive education, and the integration of sign language in mainstream education to facilitate better communication and support for hearing-impaired individuals.
Keywords: Parental Care; Hearing Impairment; Disability Challenges; Inclusive Education; Financial Strain; Psychological Stress; Social Support Systems.
Received on: 01/10/2023, Revised on: 28/12/2023, Accepted on: 30/01/2024, Published on: 07/06/2024
DOI: 10.69888/FTSHS.2024.000264
FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Humanities and Society, 2024 Vol. 1 No. 2, Pages: 57-71