Digital Marketing Evolution: A Bibliometric Method for Mapping the Web of Science Database

V. Kalyani, L. Durgha Devi

1Department of Social Work, DMI-St. Eugene University, Lusaka, Malawi, Africa. 2VIT Business School, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. kalsmsw@gmail.com1,


These days, a significant number of consumers make use of social media and other online platforms for a variety of reasons, beginning with the acquisition of information and culminating in the completion of a purchase. Marketers are devoting a significant portion of their advertising budget to digital marketing as a response to this virtual shift reaction. This study aims to synthesis the publications on digital marketing to focus on the significant topics, assess the present level of research in the field, and demonstrate the ways in which foundational works have had an impact on the field. From 2009 to 2024, a total of one thousand publications that were published on the Web of Science were subjected to bibliometric analysis for the purpose of this study. These findings indicate that the cooperation index is 2.82, and that, on average, 168 writers are interested in all articles that are relevant to digital marketing. Portugal, the United States of America, and India are the top three countries that are contributing to the field of digital marketing. Additionally, the study addresses significant research subjects as they pertain to digital marketing. 

Keywords: Digital Marketing (DM); Bibliometrics Analysis; Web of Science (WoS); Developing Strategies for Product; IT Technologies and Methods; Advertising Budget; Virtual Platforms; Businesses Market.

Received on: 05/08/2023, Revised on: 07/10/2023, Accepted on: 15/11/2023, Published on: 05/03/2024

DOI: 10.69888/FTSHS.2024.000149

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Humanities and Society, 2024 Vol. 1 No. 1, Pages: 10-20

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