Mathew Abraham, Bandit Aroman
1Department of Accounting Principles, LTIMindtree, London, United Kingdom. 2Department of Politics and International Relations, International Islamic College, Bangkok, Thailand. mathew.abraham@lntinfoterch.com1, banditalya@gmail.com2
The textile industry is expected to use 118 billion cubic meters of water for garment manufacturing worldwide by 2030, posing a serious environmental problem as it works to fulfil the increasing needs of humans while also making extensive use of scarce natural resources. As a result, humans must change how they buy clothes to make it more sustainable. Although humans' conduct when buying environmentally friendly apparel is generally understood, a thorough explanation of their purchase habits is lacking. We expanded the Theory of Reasoned Action by incorporating novel constructs derived from prior exploratory findings, such as greenwashing, and established constructs from prior literature, such as perceived environmental knowledge and environmental concerns, to address this gap and explore the factors influencing the purchase behaviour of sustainable clothing. The study shows that attitude toward eco-friendly apparel is the most important factor influencing buying intention. However, humans' worries about greenwashing have a detrimental impact on this connection. Our research indicates that the intention-behavior link is influenced by perceived environmental knowledge and environmental concerns.
Keywords: Behavioural Change; Human Intention-Behavior; Theory of Reasoned Action; Sustainable Clothing Choice; Environmentally Friendly Apparel; Greenwashing Concern; Contemporary Styles.
Received on: 27/07/2023, Revised on: 13/09/2023, Accepted on: 02/11/2023, Published on: 05/03/2024
DOI: 10.69888/FTSHS.2024.000148
FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Humanities and Society, 2024 Vol. 1 No. 1, Pages: 1-9