Speed Management Blueprint: Conception of an IoT-Based Electric Vehicle Speed Limiter Monitoring System for Kigali City Vehicles

Twajamahoro Jean Pierre, Chen Tao, Kayibanda Vénant, Bakunzi Erneste

School of Automobile, Chang’an University, Xi’an, China. Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, College of Science and Technology, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Integrated Polytechnic Regional College, Karongi, Rwanda. j.twajamahoro@ur.ac.rw, chentao@chd.edu.cn, kayive@yahoo.fr, ebakunzi@iprckarongi.rp.ac.rw. 


The Electric Vehicle Speed Limiter Monitoring System is an Internet of Things (IoT)-based solution to prevent traffic accidents in Kigali, Rwanda. The system utilizes advanced technology to monitor vehicle speed, identity, and position, including GPS, RFID cards, RFID 522 modules, and IR sensors. While RFID cards facilitate easy vehicle identification, RFID 522 modules identify speed infractions, IR sensors guarantee precise speed measurement, and GPS tracking offers real-time monitoring capabilities. Campaigns to raise public awareness will assist the system, which will be smoothly incorporated into Kigali’s road network and examined for patterns and trends. Ensuring seamless implementation and enforcement will require collaboration with municipal authorities, law enforcement agencies, and transportation authorities. Anticipated results include a significant decrease in traffic accidents, increased traffic safety precautions, and improved traffic management techniques. Advanced technology like IR sensors, RFID cards, RFID 522 modules, and GPS are used by Kigali, Rwanda’s IoT-based Electric Vehicle Speed Limiter Monitoring System, to track vehicle position, identification, and speed. It conducts public awareness campaigns, analyses speed-related accidents, and integrates them with Kigali’s road network. Smooth implementation is ensured by cooperation with local law enforcement and authorities, which lowers accident rates and improves traffic management techniques. The system aims to improve road safety and foster a safer atmosphere for all Kigali drivers.

Keywords: IR Sensor; RFID 522; Speed Management Blueprint; Arduino NANO; Regulator lm7805 DC5v; Transformer AC12v; Windows Operating System; Arduino IDE and Rectifier DC12v.

Received on: 10/12/2023, Revised on: 19/02/2024, Accepted on: 22/04/2024, Published on: 09/06/2024

DOI: 10.69888/FTSES.2024.000190

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Energy Sequence, 2024 Vol. 2 No. 1, Pages: 33-48

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