Fortifying Data Security: A Multifaceted Approach with MFA, Cryptography, and Steganography

K. Daniel Jasper, R. Neha, András Szeberényi

1,2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. 3Department of Business, Communication and Tourism, Institute of Marketing and Communication Science, Budapest Metropolitan University, Budapest, Nagy Lajos Király Útja, Hungary.,, aszeberenyi@metropolitan.hu3


Multi-factor authentication is a useful method of strengthening authentication to avoid brute force attacks and make a strong layer of protection. Verifications and validations have been incorporated into this multi-factor authentication technique in order to make it more human-centric. The technique of concealing or encoding information in such a way that only the recipient of a message is able to read it is referred to as cryptographic algorithms. By manually managing a key and replacing the alphabet and digits with specific characters, only authorised individuals will be able to use it, which will result in the data being more secure and private. Steganography is the method that is used for the second verification, which involves evading detection. Steganography is a methodology that encodes essential data into a file or message that appears to be harmless. It will be impossible to discover the sensitive material once it reaches its final destination since it will be extracted from a file or communication that appears to be completely normal. Steganography adds an additional layer of protection to sensitive information when it is combined with encryption. This procedure is included because it is necessary to add an additional layer of protection to this project in order to improve the safety of the data. Additionally, the Figma tool was utilised as a design output measure for this project. 

Keywords: Multi-factor Authentication; Cryptography; Steganography; Cipher Text; Encryption and Decryption; Data Security and Confidentiality; Integrity and Availability; Fortifying Data Security.

Received on: 27/01/2023, Revised on: 13/04/2023, Accepted on: 02/06/2023, Published on: 26/11/2023

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Computing Systems, 2023 Vol. 1 No. 2, Pages: 98-111

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