Augmenting Trust in Robo Advisor Experiences Through Thoughtful UX Design

Kavyani Komatireddy, Sushrut Mangeshikar, Tina Gada

Department of User Experience Designer Human-Computer Interaction, PayPal, Austin, Texas, United States of America. Department of User Experience Designer Human-Computer Interaction, HP, Mumbai, India. Department of User Experience Designer Human-Computer Interaction, Vanguard Group, Dallas, Texas, United States of America.,,


These tech-savvy investments are an easy part of the future of financial advice - but how well consumers can trust them is just as important. In this paper, we consider how deliberate design can build trust in robo-advisor platforms through their user experience. In this post, we look at the vital elements of a trustful user experience by going through core design principles and user interaction strategies. We aim to understand the users’ attitudes and behavior towards robo-advisors by an intensive review of the current literature and a thorough methodology. What is persuasive is a combination of transparency, usability, and having personalized interactions that our results show are very conducive to building trust. The research will also involve designing a UX and developing a prototype evaluated with the help of feedback and performance metrics. The results show a substantial bettering of user trust and satisfaction, demonstrating the crucial role that UX design has in the competitive development of robo-advisor entries.

Keywords: Robo-advisor; User Experience (UX) Design; Trust and Financial Technology; User Interaction; Augmenting and light-Salmon; Authentication and Intuitive; Digital Financial Advisors; LightSkyBlue.

Received on: 03/11/2023, Revised on: 19/01/2024, Accepted on: 01/03/2024, Published on: 03/06/2024

DOI: 10.69888/FTSCS.2024.000197

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Computing Systems, 2024 Vol. 2 No. 2, Pages: 54-63

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