Advanced Radar Range Prediction and Performance Analysis in Aircraft Adhoc Networks (AANET)

Y. Ajitha, Md. Simul Hasan Talukder, Shabbir Ahmed Shuvo

1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. 2Department of Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard Division, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority,  Dhaka, Bangladesh. 3Department of Business, Offenburg University of Applied Science, Offenburg, Germany.,, shabbir.shuvo@hs-offenburg.de3


Aircraft ad hoc networks simplify airplane-to-airplane or airplane-to-service station communication. It evolved from MANET and VANET ad-hoc networks. MANET connects mobile networks and VANET for cars. Adhoc networks are popular because they can be built without routers or access points when no network exists. Flights are self-organizing nodes in AANET. This dynamic network requires only two nodes and no specific infrastructure. This method is important for GPS navigation, aircraft–ship communications, and navy signaling. These Ad Hoc networks let aircraft interact with the grounds and service stations to decrease traffic between aircraft. It can also connect with a network radar aircraft to avoid collisions. Planes ad-hoc networks connect planes spontaneously. It is versatile and simple. The aircraft adapts to the situation to make connections; thus, routers or networks are unnecessary. Planes’ fast mobility accelerates network evolution. No infrastructure is needed for aircraft to transmit and relay data. AANET optimizes performance despite restricted bandwidth, power, and processing. This paper describes the AANET network and the recommended solutions to improve airplane performance. It also covers existing methodologies, benefits and cons, and various scholars’ work on the AANET.

Keywords: Cause-Related Marketing (CRM); Aircraft Ad-Hoc Network (AANET); Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET); Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET); Wireless Connections; Networking System.

Received on: 01/10/2023, Revised on: 29/11/2023, Accepted on: 22/12/2023, Published on: 07/03/2024

DOI: 10.69888/FTSCL.2024.000177

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Computer Letters, 2024 Vol. 2 No. 1, Pages: 1-13

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