Deciphering Urban Footprints on Climate Variability through an Innovative Inquiry into Heat Island Phenomena

Twajamahoro Jean Pierre, Md Mehdi Rahman, Muhammad Al Amin, Mita Munshi

1Department of Automobile, Université Privée Africaine Franco-Arabe (UPAFA), Bamako, Mali. 2Department of Social Science, Tampere University, Kalevantie, Finland. 3Department of International Relations, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. 4Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, United States of America.,,, mmunshi@iastate.edu4


Urban warmth islands (UHIs) represent a full-size environmental challenge, encapsulating the inadvertent weather consequences stemming from dense improvement. Urban warmness islands (UHIs) have a variety of results on climatic variability and concrete sustainability. They frequently take the shape of localized temperature increases in interior metropolitan areas. This study aims to analyze the tricky dynamics of UHIs, focusing on their big impact on urban climate styles. The study uses a strong methodological framework to investigate the temporal and geographical manifestations of UHIs by integrating far-off sensing technologies, comprehensive meteorological information, and sophisticated statistical analysis. In the center of our take look, we explore the complicated interactions between UHIs and climate variability, examining the approaches wherein such warmness events affect the weather in urban environments. Our well-known studies show a complex courtship among UHIs and localized climate fluctuations, providing insights. These findings have giant ramifications for municipal making plans and coverage components, supplying a fact-based basis for procedures meant to lessen the negative effects of UHIs. This look adds critical expertise to the communique on urban weather resilience by clarifying the complicated outcomes of UHIs on city ecosystems and human well-being. This will equip policymakers and urban planners with invaluable records to create sustainable, fitness-conscious urban futures.

Keywords: Urban Heat Island (UHI); Climate Variability; Remote Sensing; Meteorological Data; Climate Mitigation; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Electricity-Green Materials and Designs.

Received on: 19/12/2023, Revised on: 22/02/2024, Accepted on: 19/03/2024, Published on: 03/06/2024

DOI: 10.69888/FTSASS.2024.000165

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Applied Sciences, 2024 Vol. 1 No. 1, Pages: 34-43

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